Can the Club help me to expand my range of playing partners?
The Director of Tennis will be able to suggest playing partners near your level.
How can new members meet playing partners and make new friends?
There are several ways for new members to become integrated into the life of the Club: attend the New Member Round Robin; join a new member complimentary clinic with the tennis professional; attend the monthly Round Robins; attend Club parties.
In addition, the new member’s contact on the Welcoming Committee is the primary link. The Welcoming Committee contact should be relied upon to make introductions and answer questions regarding procedures, rules, customs, and the general culture of the Club.
Please feel free to ask for assistance from Nick Skinas and staff members.
How do I reserve a court at the B&T?
There are two options for making a court reservation. You may telephone the Club at 617-536-1870 or make requests and reservations online through this website.
Phone Reservations:
The earliest you may submit a request is between 9-9:30 AM four days in advance of the day of desired play. For example, if you wish to reserve a court for Friday, you will phone the Club between 9-9:30 AM on Monday. Court allocation will be decided by a drawing after the call-in half hour. It is advisable to have second and third choices when requesting a court.
On-Line Reservations:
your personal email (make sure we have the correct one on file)
your personal password you created
Email the club at [email protected] if you’re having trouble logging in.
You can now view and edit your personal contact information; you can view your current court reservation. The courts are all labeled Paige ( Court 1), Vincent ( Court 2), and Court 3.
Reservation requests for the “new” day area are made by writing in the box provided and clicking “save.” You may request a court for up to one week prior to the desired appointment until MIDNIGHT the night BEFORE the 9-9:30 call-in for the “new” day. In the request box, please DO indicate “singles” or “doubles.” The “new” day will be available for you to see and reserve whatever courts remain after 11:00 AM following the 9-9:30 call-in.
You will receive an email confirmation of your reservations. If you need to cancel your web or phone reservation, please call the Club in advance 24 hours before your reservation. New this season, you may cancel a court through your web reservations account as long as it is not a same-day cancelation. You will be charged for reservations not canceled before 24 hours.
What are the Round Robins like?
-The Round Robins are relaxed gatherings of members and their guests. Participants first socialize while eating a tasty light meal, and then they play tennis. A Club professional organizes each evening, and everyone plays with and against different players. Players of all levels are welcome at the Traditional Mixed Doubles Round Robins. The other Round Robins are designated for specific groups. Prizes are awarded at each Round Robin. The B&T has designed the Round Robins to be comfortable occasions for members to meet and make new friends.
What is the parking situation at the B&T?
-Members and their guests may park in the Club’s lot on Stoneholm St. Please click on DIRECTIONS on the main menu bar to see a map and directions to the lot. Members must place a B&T sticker on the rear windshield of every car which they intend to park there. Guests must go to the Club before they play to obtain a temporary parking pass. Cars not displaying B&T stickers or guest passes may be towed.
Parking spaces are very limited, and therefore, members and their guests should only use the lot while they are at the Club.
There is some additional parking at Patriot Parking is the last right, an alley, off Hemenway St. before you reach Boylston St.
If you find that the B & T outdoor lot is full, it is quick and easy to reach Patriot Parking. Turn right out of the B & T lot; take 2 left turns; take a right onto Hemenway St.; turn right on to Haviland St. Patriot Parking is a garage located on the right, midway down Haviland St. The attendant will welcome you, and may ask you to leave your keys. Please tell him that you are going to the B & T and how long you will be. The walk to the B & T from Patriot Parking is about equal in time to the walk from the outdoor lot.
You are not guaranteed a parking space and therefore should be prepared to find on-street or alternative parking.